Monday, September 5, 2011

Unconventional in a Conventional World

For the last year or so, I have been asking people this question: "If you split the world into two parts, one being "Conventional" and the other - "Unconventional", in which part would you belong?"
Of the responses I have gotten, 99% were, "Ummm, unconventional... Of course." It seems that being unconventional is hip and cool and most people prefer to be different, unique and "unconventional." Why, then, does the society seek conformity? If unconventional people comprise the society, why does society thrive on convention, uniformity and homogeneity?
I think the truth is that we are all, on some levels, conventional. Perhaps, some folks more than others. As we grow up with myths that are pounded into us day in and day out during our upbringing, we begin to identify with them. We become integral parts of the myths and assist in propagating them. That's the convention. The big "convention" is nothing more that a conglomerate of myths that covers up "what is."
So, if a person wants be unconventional, the first step is to begin to see the myths for what they are.
It's not so easy as it sounds. I will write a few entries here that will hopefully assist one on this path.

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